Submitted to Good Samaritan Hospital CEO by a hospital patient:
“I met a guy who was walking with a limp last night. Well dressed, well spoken guy. I asked if he had an injury. He said he just had hip surgery last week (mind you this was last night Tuesday!) I said “Last week?” he said yes Thursday. I said “Wow” you are moving around pretty good for a guy who just had hip surgery 5 days ago. He said “Yeah a new kind of procedure from a very special doc at a very special hospital” I said “What hospital?” He said “Good Samaritan” He said that the doc and the procedure (anterior access instead of posterior) was new and only done by a few docs at a few hospitals. He raved about Good Sam from the doc (Dr. Steven Louis), to the nurses, to the simplicity of things as he said in his past few experiences at different local hospitals things were totally screwed up and nobody knew what anybody was doing. He said at Good Sam everybody was on the same page.”