Dr. Louis Is No Longer Accepting New Patient Appointments. After 30 years of dedicated service to my patients, colleagues and the medical community I am moving into retirement! My last day of surgery was October 31, 2022. I will be in my office until my retirement officially begins on December 16, 2022.
Last day of surgery: 10/31/22
Last Day In Office: 12:16/22
After 30 years of dedicated service to my patients, colleagues and the medical community I am moving into retirement!
My last day of surgery is October 31, 2022. I will be in my office until my retirement officially begins on December 16, 2022.
Lisa Juraszek Double Hip Replacement Success Story.
Dear Dr. Louis,
I cannot put down in words how much you and your team have changed my life.When I say “changed”, I mean you literally restored my quality of life.
I had been putting off undergoing a hip replacement surgery for approximately 5 years.As a former runner and tennis player, I knew I had some hip problems.I managed my pain with hip injections for 4 years, until I could no longer bear the pain.
When I met you, I was surprised by your kindness, sense of humor, and genuine concern for me.Although I was startled when you told me I would need to have BOTH of my hips replaced (and heck, here I thought I was going to get off “easy” with having one hip replaced), it ended up being the best route for me to take.
From the moment I met you that first day in the Hinsdale office, you and your entire team took top-notch care of me and helped calm all of my fears.I never had a problem with setting up my surgery, contacting a support person in your office for insurance help, reaching out to your support R.N., Mary, who was so kind and answered any questions I had over the course of my recovery.You truly have an amazing team at Hinsdale Orthopedics.
My surgical procedure and subsequent care by the recovery room staff, and the nursing staff, and physical therapy team at Good Samaritan Hospital was overall, a good experience. Yes, this IS a funny thing to say about a surgical experience.Perhaps because I was sooooo scared of the surgery and the procedure, I was expecting something else.
My bilateral hip replacement surgery was scheduled for the morning, and by 6:00 p.m. the same day, I was eating dinner and chocolate chip cookies!
I arrived at Good Samaritan Hospital early Thursday morning, and was released and sent home by 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
It has been almost a year since my surgery, and I am 95% back to living my life the way I want to live it.I’m back in the gym, able to walk up and down stairs, and I feel like I am once again a participant in my own life, instead of being sidelined by constant pain.
Thank you truly, Dr. Louis, for changing my life.Your skilled hands and those of your surgical team allowed me to regain my quality of life.
Lisa Juraszek
To see teen gymnast, Janae Small, compete is to watch energy and grace in motion. A petite teen with a broad smile, Janae has embraced gymnastics with passion from the moment she started as a child in 2005.
Janae makes tumbling seem effortless as she moves through her routines in competition.
Though, we all know it isn’t effortless—and is often dangerous.
In November 2017, Janae suffered a severe injury, as she performed the last tumbling pass of her floor exercise event. The meet, held at the Downers Grove North High School, was the season opener against Downers Grove South, and all of the gymnastics fans in Downers Grove were there.
As Janae was finishing her routine, she landed with such force that she injured her ankles and needed immediate EMS response. She was carried off the gymnastics floor on a stretcher, with her right foot at a 90-degree angle.
Due to the severity of the injury and the level of pain she was experiencing, Janae was rushed to Good Samaritan Hospital where the doctors in the emergency room determined that she had suffered a severe dislocation of her right ankle.
Calling in the expert
Dr. Steven Louis, Director of Orthopaedic Trauma at Good Samaritan, was called in immediately. Dr. Louis, a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon and fellowship-trained in the area of trauma, explained to Janae’s parents that Janae’s injury was exceptionally rare— and only the third such injury that he had seen in his entire career explaining the other two injuries he treated were adults.
Janae was suffering a total dislocation of the talus bone from all of its surrounding joints, which include the talonicular, tibiotalar, and subtalar, with no bone breaks. The talus bone is the lowest part of the ankle joint and connects the foot to the tibia and the fibula, the bones that comprise the upper part of the ankle.
Dr. Louis explained that healing from this particular injury would be fraught with challenge and that he needed to get Janae into surgery immediately—time was of the essence.
Prognosis for recovery uncertain
Janae’s ligaments had been severed in the landing, and her leg bone had almost punctured the skin, so he felt it was very likely the arteries feeding the talus bone had, in all likelihood, been severed as well.
With injuries to the talus bone, orthopedic surgeons are concerned about two levels of potential complications: The risk of post-traumatic arthritis, which can impact mobility in later years, and the possibility of avascular necrosis, which can cause damage to the bone if healthy blood flow is interrupted by injury.
What this meant was that the prognosis for the talus bone receiving enough blood to heal properly was not good. Under the best of circumstances, recovery would take about a year and data on blood flow to the talus bone wouldn’t be available for six weeks to two months.
As Janae was being wheeled into surgery and out of earshot, Dr. Louis told Janae’s parents that they would need to begin processing that this injury would very likely end her gymnastics career. He stated that Janae’s quality of life was at risk if the talus bone did not receive blood to heal.
Janae’s mother remembers it well, “All of this information, was a lot to process in a traumatic situation. Yet we felt that Dr. Louis presented it to us very clearly and put us at ease with his gentle humor. And, while this news was something no parent wants to hear about their child, Dr. Louis had a way of delivering it factually and compassionately."
A surgery that could take hours or minutes
Dr. Louis told Janae’s parents that the surgery could take hours, or it could take minutes. As it turned out, the operation took only twenty minutes, and Dr. Louis was pleased with the results.
As Janae’s father remembers, “ With the humor, only he can get away, Dr. Louis told us that the good news, was that the bone had popped right back in. But then, he said, with a twinkle in his eye, that the bad news was that the bone could pop right back out.”
Dr. Louis also told Janae’s parents that in the chaos of the ER and the focus on Janae’s injury to her right ankle and foot, that the doctors had not realized that she had also sprained her left ankle—a grade three sprain. But, overall, he was confident that Janae’s situation was improving and stated that he would see her and her parents in the morning.
Janae’s recovery continued through September of 2018 and included visits with Dr. Louis every six weeks for nine months and more than forty physical therapy sessions. Janae went from a surgical cast and boot in a wheelchair, to a cast and walking boot on crutches, then a walking boot and a brace, and next to a walking boot and no brace, to a brace and no brace, and finally to regular shoes.
As Dr. Louis remembers, “Every clinic after her injury I noticed how apprehensive Janae was about the news but she always left with a determination just to get better, follow instructions and remain hopeful that she will be able to get back to competitive sports.”
Applying self-discipline and determination for the winThroughout her lengthy recovery, she applied the same self-discipline and hard work she has given to her gymnastics. States Dr. Louis, “Even though Janae was very determined to follow my instructions, it was the support of her parents that provided her with the solid family platform of support and belief to reach her goal of competing again.”
Dr. Louis remains impressed with Janae—and her family—and their commitment to healing. “I think it is amazing that Janae has recovered so well and is back participating at a high level in competitive sports. It is a testament to her and her family’s determination to build back to full health by following direction and working very hard to recover.”
Janae’s hard work is paying off. She has rebounded, is back in gymnastics, and even won 5th All-Around at the Junior Varsity West Suburban Conference in December of 2018— a considerable accomplishment given the severity of her injuries and the rigors of her recovery. In the private club competing for Illinois Gymnastic Institute, she won 1st All Around in two meets this spring!
As she says, “Dr. Louis was such a pleasure to work with. I never wanted to go to my doctor appointments because my injury was so bad and it just made me nervous that things might not be the way they were supposed to be.” But, she adds, “Dr. Louis was always supportive and reassuring during the whole process. He also always made me laugh.”
That laughter, that expertise, and a teen’s dedication to her sport have made a recovery from a rare talus injury a happy news story for all concerned.
Dr. Louis,
Your reputation precedes you. It was word of your miraculous surgical skills that lead me to seek you out for a consult. I am so very happy my journey led me to your excellent care. Your counsel educated me about my specific condition as well as being delivered with so much understanding, compassion and empathy. The accommodations made to expedite my care have not gone overlooked or unappreciated. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I am exactly 6 weeks out post today and my hip is perfect! Thank you for giving me back a functional life. The ability to now do it without pain. To simply enjoy a walk now because I can.
Knowing almost too much about the surgical replacement process, I was terrified of all the ways it could go sideways. Nothing did. Your expertise and the staff of professionals that you have built around you are world class. You and your team's work, including the Good Samaritan hospital staff, is beyond reproach. Your practice and the hospital are a high functioning, well oiled machine that was still very personalize and gentle in care I received.
Doctor Louis, I can't say enough about how grateful I am for the time you took to develop the required skill for this procedure. Thank you with gratitude. Tom
My first ride 8 weeks post hip replacement surgery! I can't thank Dr. Louis and his team enough for giving me my life back. I had seen two other surgeons in the past and was told I would never ride again. Boy, were they wrong! I can ride pain free! Coming back for follow up visits, is like stopping by to see friends. Everyone is so kind and supportive. Dr. Louis, Alicia and Stacy went above and beyond to help me. I no longer live each day in agony. I can't stop smiling!!
Dear Dr. Louis,
Before time moves on too quickly I wanted to thank you for doing such a good job on me (Craig Rowells, June 19, 2017). Truthfully, I was "freaked out" about having surgery done on my hips, but the pain going on without any focus on helping my situation was stupid, it had gone on for far too long.
I'm glad my wife, Lorraine, took time to find you. Though your site was somewhat hard to believe that such positive results were possible with the operation, after meeting you just once convinced me to go with you.
The operation went well at Advocate Good Samaritan as remarkable as one can expect. With my family there, you relaxed them all with your positive energy. Thank you for that.
I just completed 2 months at ATI physical therapy in Schaumburg, IL with them working me hard to take advantage of your great/innovative work. My prior total knee replacement was affected by this therapy but I will be able to continue on with some tenderness in that knee.
I look forward to being able to sit down in a rented fishing boat or playing my brother and sone in golf.
Again, thank you!!
Craig Rowells
October 24, 2017
I had a marvelous experience acquiring my bionic hip. Dr Louis, his entire staff, and the entire Good Sam hospital staff, from the volunteer that welcomed us to the guy who wheeled me out upon release, and including op-prep, recovery, cleaning staff and food folks, and especially the extraordinary nursing/PCA staff, and including my post-op therapist Sue, was amazing - very concerned, attentive, accommodating and professional. I could not have asked for better care. Dr Louis and his total team came highly recommended to me and I am very glad to add my name to his list of very satisfied bionic hip customers. Thank you very much.
My bionic hip surgery was 11-noon on 10/16/17. This is my first stroll with walker and Nash, my PCA (Personal Care Assistant), at 3:43pm on 10/16. Incredible!!! Look at the clock! Nash had advised me that while I had done very well, my gown was supposed to remain tied completely closed in back, at all times. Complaints were made!!
My recovery from hip surgery continues to go great! I could not ask for anything better or easier. I feel guilty because the exercises are so easy that I do not feel like I actually did anything after completing them! The most difficult thing is to be careful not to do too much!! No Pain - No Gain does not apply in this case. I have had absolutely no pain at any time from surgery thru hospital stay and home rehab thru today!! Incredible! With the way things are progressing I could be made poster child, okay poster-geezer, for Painless Bionic Hip Surgery!!
I was able to walk with no assistance since the 10/21-22 weekend! The surgery was on 10/16! I graduated from walker to cane on 10/23 when my therapist visited, but I did not even need the cane. I carried it around and used it just to humor her. When she visited on 10/27, she released me from further home therapy and said she felt that additional outpatient therapy would not be required. Not yet ready for golf just yet though.
Please have anyone who would like to discuss my bionic hip installation experience contact me. I will gladly share my experience with them. I also have a very low-mileage walker that I can lend them.
Rich Pregmon, age 72
Dr. Louis,
Not hearing from your hipsters is probably a good thing, but I cant hold off any longer and really want you to know how much you have changed my life (and that of my family). I no longer have a sore hip. I can walk for long periods of time. I dont limp, am sleeping, dont take any pain medication, ever. I dont even have a sore back. You were right!
People ask me if I feel like I waited to long… I answer yes and then no… I found the best surgeon and have the new technique and feel so good. If I had to do it all again, I would wait just as long for you and your team and Chicago. I am often overwhelmed with gratitude and cry when telling the story. Quietly to myself, I am amazed several times a day when I get up from a chair, or reach for something, or finally collapse on the couch and notice for a brief moment the missing pain. How lucky... you are amazing at a job that gives people their lives back. How lucky… we found you.
So, all it great and I cant thank you enough. Ever.
During my youth in Canada, and also as an adult, I always loved to play Ice Hockey. I would play top level Ice Hockey on a Canadian team and then as I grew older, I would play on the weekends with my friends.
Then in recent years I started to notice significant pain in both my hips. I always thought it was probably due to my ongoing hockey activities and it began to restrict not just my hockey activities, but every day activities, like going up and down stairs, travelling with my wife on business trips, skating, walking, golfing and all the things I enjoyed.
When I met with Dr. Louis he reviewed my x-rays and explained in much detail how my joints had worn down to what they call “bone on bone” and it really explained all the pain I was having.
Dr. Louis discussed with me the advantages of the Direct Anterior Hip Replacement procedure and how I could elect to have both my damaged hips replaced at the same time – which is called Bilateral Hip Replacement. I had absolutely no reservations about having both hips replaced at the same time.
Dr. Louis told me about other successful patients who had both their hips replaced in a similar fashion and I was certainly looking forward to getting back to all the great activities I enjoy.
After my hip replacement surgeries I experienced no pain and no restrictions. I was going up and down my stairs at home with ease and pain-free. My new hip implants feel natural and very strong. I experienced no muscle soreness and the surgery corrected my bow-legged condition, which I had all my life. I was looking in the mirror one day and realized how straight both my legs were..
My rehabilitation experience at Rehabilitation Center of Chicago was conducted as an outpatient and was a very quick road to recovery.
In this picture, I have just completed a climb up a 500 meters high Bridge in Sydney, Australia called the Sydney Harbour Bridge, with no pain or discomfort and 6 months after my bi-lateral hip replacement surgery. I am travelling with my wife on business and enjoying all the great sight-seeing opportunities Sydney has to offer.
I thank Dr. Louis, and his great team of professionals, for getting me back to all the activities I enjoy. I have been back on the ice – skating with my friends, golfing at 6 weeks after surgery, and travelling every week with my wife.
If you are considering hip replacement surgery, I would highly recommend Dr. Louis and the Direct Anterior Approach to hip surgery.
Thank you Dr. Louis - Ron Chaddock
I am writing to you in appreciation for performing my anterior hip replacement. I had the surgery on June 1, 2015 and my recovery has been amazing. I am pain free and I walk 10,000 steps daily, tracked by my pedometer. Prior to my surgery, I was using a walker to ambulate and taking medication for pain.
Twelve years ago I had my other hip replaced. It was the posterior approach and my recovery was long and I had months of physical therapy. In contrast, I had only three weeks of physical therapy since your surgery. The therapy was easy for me; twelve years ago it was a struggle due to pain.
After my 2015 surgery I spent a week at Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital. I had both physical and occupational therapy while I was a patient there. After therapy I did not need medication for pain; only an ice pack was used. The nurses and therapists were surprised and happy to see my progress.
Dr. Louis, I am so happy I chose you to do my surgery. I am grateful to be pain free and mobile. I have energy and a renewed sense of well being. Thank you.
Two short months ago you replaced my hip. I cannot express how happy I already am with the results. For years I was in constant stabbing pain 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Now, the pain is gone, I am no longer in constant agony, and I have a new quality of life I have not experienced for so many years.
My deepest appreciation to you and your staff for your outstanding work. This is truly one of those times when there is no way I would have believed the result without actually experiencing it myself. I have more energy, enthusiasm, and overall peace just knowing the pain is no longer haunting me each and every day, every step of the way.
My compliments and appreciation for your spectacular talent, as well as your comforting personality. Thank you for taking the time to perfect your talent and to use those talents helping others. I feel very fortunate to have been on of the fortunate recipients of your special gift.
Thanks again as I continue to feel better every day!!
Diane Herman, and the entire Dr. Louis Team celebrate Diane’s distinction as being Dr. Louis’ 1.000 Direct Anterior Hip Replacement patient. I am forever grateful to Dr. Louis for his professional approach . Because I had attended Dr. Louis’s seminar, I felt calm,excited and very confident that the surgery would go well. I had seen a half a dozen patients walk without any aid after 2 weeks on his video, and that was enough for me!
My surgery and recuperation has been exactly as he explained, and in some ways better. By the end of week one I had moved on to a cane. During the
second week I was walking most of the time without the cane. By the end of the second week I was beginning to ‘forget’ I had had surgery as my
range of motion was improving so well. At week three I went back to the gym and began walking around the track 20 minutes. It is now 4 and a half
weeks. My daily routines are completely back to normal. I need to remind myself daily that I had major surgery and that I really am not completely
healed until 6 weeks because I do not feel anything connected with the surgery. I can also attest that my range of motion is even better now
than it was a few years ago. I am still doing my Physical Therapy exercises and look forward to even greater improvement as the weeks go on!
And I am back behind the wheel, enjoying the many activities I was unable to achieve before my hip replacement surgery… I was thinking just the other day “why did I wait so long to have this procedure“?
I would highly recommend Dr. Louis, his entire team at Hinsdale Orthopaedics, and most especially this new procedure called the Direct Anterior hip replacement surgery. Thank you Dr. Louis!!