Contact Us
Dr. Steven Louis
Orthopaedic Hip & Trauma Surgeon
Dr. Louis Is Retiring And No Longer Accepting New Patient Appointments.
Bring your hip, knee, pelvis condition or traumatic injury to Dr. Louis for a thorough examination.
To contact Dr. Steven Louis, one of Chicago’s most experienced orthopaedic surgeons specializing in hip, knee, pelvis, and trauma, please utilize our contact information listed below. He sees patients at Hinsdale Orthopaedics located in Hinsdale, Illinois:
Hinsdale Office:
Hinsdale Orthopaedic Associates
Dr. Steven S. Louis, M. D.
Orthoapedic Hip & Trauma Surgeon
550 West Ogden Avenue
Hinsdale, IL 60521
Phone: (630) 323-6116
Fax: (630) 323-6169
See Map