Dr. Louis Retirement

Dr. Louis Is No Longer Accepting New Patient Appointments.
After 30 years of dedicated service to my patients, colleagues and the medical community I am moving into retirement!
My last day of surgery was October 31, 2022. I will be in my office until my retirement officially begins on December 16, 2022.

Last day of surgery: 10/31/22
Last Day In Office: 12:16/22

My Blog2019-10-28T20:44:25+00:00

Featured Article

This Book Will Change Your Perspective On Life

Donec fringilla nunc eu turpis dignissim, at euismod sapien tincidunt. Maecenas eleifend congue cursus. In vitae enim quis sem pharetra.Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem.

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